🐾 Hello human! 🐾

dev.to trusted member nomination

Thank you for stopping by! Here's a quick tour of my page.

Last Updated: 2025-02-02T16:21:39Z

My portfolio is created as fullstack app with data hosted on Postgres and backend API endpoints on Springboot. The frontend renders the data and info about me:

Through my time in the BOOST apprenticeship, I was able to use the technical knowledge we learned along with my passion for inclusion and helping others. My first project was a frontend where users could share job referral opportunities. My capstone was a full-stack project where users can crowdsource accessibility info on Google Maps and search for accessible places. I also wrote about my learnings from bootcamp, making a cheat sheet for Spring Boot beginners and sharing it on dev.to. Additionally, I created close-captioned teachbacks of bootcamp concepts and shared tips and tricks with my class, like how to connect frontend and backend during capstone. As you wander through each of my pages, you will be able to see more of my work, what lights a fire in my heart, my scores, and more.

  • My Story: a peek into my journey, who I am, and the why behind my interest in software
  • Experience: my professional work experience and highlights of projects doen at Indeed
  • Hobbies: my volunteer work as a Google Maps Local Guide and Connect writer, and Google AI crowdsoucer
  • Projects: a list of mini-projects and projects completed during bootcamp
  • Teachbacks: videos I've created to teach software content back to myself and share knowledge with others
  • Dev Blog: blogs on my learning from debugging and project retros, and concepts learned
  • GA Scores: a table of my weekly bootcamp scores along with instructor and mentor comments
  • Project Scores: a list of graded bootcamp projects, with overall instructor comments and a button to see numeric scores where available
  • Mentor: feedback received from my mentor on Slack
  • Program: GA instructors' feedback, as well as team/peer feedback for capstone and projects received on Slack
  • Manager: feedback received from my manager on Slack as well as in async 1:1s Google Doc comments
  • Adhoc: feedback received from my direct team and other peers on Slack
  • Intern: feedback received from internship during our 3rd phase of apprenticship program